Facebook's AOL moment
To achieve mass market success, you must become a consumer habit. But habits are hard to break, even when the technology should make it possible to be better. Kids are about discovery. When you are discovering something, you go for the best version. Once you develop habits, you stop discovering and start optimizing.
AOL couldn't manage the innovation challenge. Can Facebook?
Feedback, the missing signal in the job search
The job search is a difficult process. Made difficult that we get very little feedback along the way about what we are doing well and what we are doing poorly. Here are a couple of suggestions for improving that - and why it's a good idea for employers to do it too.
Culture and Choice
Employees and employers have greater insights into each other earlier in the process than ever before. This gives both of them more power of choice. It's also become clear that great results are driven by great teams. In order to attract and retain the best teams, companies are focusing in on the shared values that enable them to be more than the sum of their parts.
Working from Home and Outsourcing
When we tie a premium to informal communication, to the point where there's a question as to whether people should be allowed to work from home, does that mean that outsourcing is doomed to fail or that multi-location companies are inherently wired to lag behind single (smaller) location companies? Read the rest here . . .